Saturday, August 3, 2019

Creation Moment 8/4/2019 - "Crises" grips Evolutionary Cosmology

He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh:
Psalm 2:4

"The word “crisis” hung in the air from the very beginning of the meeting.

In a room just steps from the ocean in Santa Barbara, astronomers and physicists shifted restlessly in their chairs. Sunshine and sea breezes beckoned, but the scientists had cloistered themselves to debate one of the biggest quandaries in physics: how fast the universe is expanding.

Estimates based on exploding stars, or supernovas, had suggested that the universe is growing approximately 10 percent faster than indicated by light emitted just after the Big Bang. Now, a measurement based on observations of luminous objects called quasars had pushed the problem beyond a statistical benchmark known as five sigma, denoting that the issue was something to take seriously.

Much is at stake, including scientists’ basic understanding of what the universe contains and how it evolves over time. So far, a theory known as the standard cosmological model has succeeded in explaining a wide variety of cosmic observations. But the discrepancy in measurements of the universe’s expansion could mean the model itself needs to be drastically altered."
===Let's just STOP here.....they don't Know anything for sure--in other words their whole cosmological worldview is turned upside down.