Monday, August 12, 2019

Creation Moment 8/13/2019 - Miraculous External Influence

And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, ... Genesis 1:16 "The earth is not by any means a self-sustaining body. Its internal heat, whatever its explanation or origin, has no power to warm its surface.
 Nor is its illumination a product of its own chemical action or energy of any kind. It is a dependent body in all its distinctive characteristics.  It is inherently desolate apart from external influences which act upon it: notably the sun, whose beneficial influence is contingent on many precise and delicate conditions providentially provided and maintained. This heavenly body, which is ninety-three million miles away from the earth, is at exactly the right distance to perform the countless miracles advantageous to our planet and the life it bears.
This cannot be said of any other solar body."