Monday, August 12, 2019

10 differences between Luther and Zwingli SERIES: 7

10 differences between Luther and Zwingli SERIES: 7
And they that understand among the people shall instruct many:
yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days.
Daniel 11:33

7.- The Relationship Between the Word and the Sacraments"We can understand the differing theologies of Luther and Zwingli with respect to the Supper if we keep in mind their interpretation of the relationship between the Word and the ordinances (baptism and the Lord’s Supper).

According to Luther’s traditional worldview, it is impossible to separate the Word and the sacrament.

They always go together. In his thinking, the ordinances not only mediate the power and the presence of Christ but they are also able to create faith.

In fact, when Luther found himself under satanic assault, he often replied to the devil by saying, “Baptizatus sum” (“I am baptized”).
That is to say Luther pinpointed the source of his personal salvation to the waters of baptism.

Zwingli, however, thought that the Word and the Spirit were free to work without the need of the ordinances. He believed the sovereign Lord could move as He so desired.

And he gave no place to the idea that the ordinances could create faith. The only creator of faith is the holy Word of God applied by the Spirit."