Friday, July 5, 2019

Q: Why did Christ Veil His Glory?

"The divinity of Christ was as a hidden treasure.
At times when He was upon earth divinity flashed through humanity, and His true character was revealed.
The God of heaven testified to His oneness with His Son. At His baptism the heavens were opened and the glory of God in the similitude of a dove like burnished gold hovered over the Savior, and a voice came from heaven, saying, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" (Matt. 3:17).

The Majesty of heaven
was not discerned in the disguise of humanity.
He was the divine Teacher sent from God, the glorious Treasure given to humanity.
He was fairer than the sons of men, but His matchless glory was hidden under a cover of poverty and suffering.

He veiled His glory in order that divinity might touch humanity, and the treasure of immense value was not discerned by the human race...."
That I May Know Him p.58,E.G.W.