Saturday, July 6, 2019

Creation Moment 7/7/2019 - Creation Points to Godhead

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen,
 being understood by the things that are made,
even his eternal power and Godhead;
so that they are without excuse:
Romans 1:20

"The cause of the universe must have been non-material because if the cause was material / natural, it would be subject to the same laws of decay as the universe.

That means it would have to have had a beginning itself and you have the same problem as cycles of births and deaths of universes.

So the cause of the universe’s beginning must have been super-natural, i.e. non-material or spirit—a cause outside of space-matter-time.

Such a cause would not be subject to the law of decay and so would not have a beginning. That is, the cause had to be eternal spirit."