Thursday, July 4, 2019

IN the NEWS - What if a Catholic Priest Did This?

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"What if a Catholic Priest Did This? Oregon Library Allows Drag Queen to Roll Around on the Ground with Children.

The Drag Queen Story Hour, pushed by the American Library Association, that has invaded libraries across the United States is raising serious questions about child protection protocol. Photographs have surfaced showing a drag queen, Carla Rossi, rolling around on the floor in full-body contact with minor children at the Multnomah County Library (MCL) in Oregon. The event appears to have happened last October and photographs were recently found on the library's Flickr account.

With the spotlight on the Catholic Church for allowing abuse to go unreported or covered up for many years and the hypersensitivity to the #MeToo movement, are libraries ignoring basic safety measures?

Now imagine that priests were reading stories to children in public buildings and were photographed rolling around on the floor with toddlers. Do you think there would be a great hue and outcry? I'm certain there would be, and deservedly so. But why is everyone completely silent about these men taking liberties with children all over the country?
Rossi isn't the only queen acting inappropriately at these events. In Houston, it was discovered that two drag queens had criminal histories of child molestation and weren't even supposed to be near schools or places where children go but had escaped the library director's notice, and because he failed to do any background checks, the molesters were hired to read to children. Let that sink in. A Houston library allowed two sex offenders to read to children."