Friday, July 5, 2019

Creation Moment 7/6/2019 - "Problem" Solved...

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
John 1:1,3

"About 13 billion years ago, when our universe was still just a scrappy startup, the cosmos hit a creative streak and churned out supermassive black holes left, right and center.
Astronomers can still sneak a peek at these relics of the early universe when they look at quasars, incredibly large, outstandingly bright objects thought to be powered by old black holes billions of times more massive than Earth's sun.
However, the very existence of these
ancient objects poses a problem.
Many quasars appear to originate from the first 800 million years of the universe, long before any stars could grow big or old enough to
collapse under their own mass, explode in a supernova and form a black hole.
So, where are these old holes in the fabric of space-time coming from?"
Well, here's an answer you probably won't like if you believe in evolutionary long age chronology--but consider they were created from the beginning to serve a purpose--many made as is from the start. Then there really isn't a "problem" after all.....