Friday, July 26, 2019

IN the NEWS - Oh Here We Go Again....

But thou, O LORD, shalt laugh at them; thou shalt have all the heathen in derision.
Isaiah 59:8

Here we go again....the Green Religion on full display pounding their verbal fist on their bully pulpit.......but picture for a moment during natural calamities much worse than these, Christians crying out to appease an angry Father God -- and the rest crying out to appease an angry mother earth.. and they set aside a day for just that--to honor God (or some, let mother earth rest to reduce her so-called carbon footprint). Either way they find common ground...below is just a taste of what the future could one day hold in the area of Green Hysteria.

"The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet, and after the hottest June ever recorded on Earth, the region is literally on fire.

From Greenland to Siberia to Alaska, huge swathes of flame and smoke are wrapping themselves around the upper Northern Hemisphere of our planet, like a suffocating scarf.
Amid an unusually warm and dry summer, even icy Greenland is experiencing a multi-day blaze that can be seen from space.
While wildfires in the Arctic are not technically uncommon, in recent years, they have been getting much worse due to global warming. The extreme intensity and sheer number of this year's wildfires is so great, climate scientists and The World Meteorological Organization are calling them "unprecedented".