Friday, July 26, 2019

Creation Moment 7/27/2019 - Mother By Design

And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
Genesis 3:12

"According to new research in the journal Frontiers in Psychology, that universal baby smell does not occur by chance but rather is a carefully concocted perfume of biological manipulation, to trigger maternal bonding.

Smells have long been associated with mother-child bonding. Babies can recognize their mother’s smell, ...Now, this new paper teases out the mechanisms behind that olfactory bonding, at least on the mother’s end.

They asked the women to try and identify various mystery scents, including the smell of a newborn, taken from a baby’s pajamas. While the women sniffed, the researchers watched their brain activity via fMRI.
Most of the women struggled to pinpoint the baby smell, although they generally said it was a pleasant one. Their brains, however, told a different story. When sniffing the baby pajamas, the dopamine pathways in a region of the brain associated with reward learning lit up, LiveScience reports. Other odors, like those of delicious foods, trigger this pathway, and the same dopamine surge is also associated with satiating sexual and drug-addiction cravings. This mechanism influences us by triggering “the motivation to act in a certain way because of the pleasure associated with a given behavior,” Medical Xpress writes."