Monday, July 22, 2019

IN the NEWS - EVIL Stalking Syria

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning..... John 8:44 NIV

"Muslim extremists tortured and repeatedly raped a Christian woman for over nine hours before stoning her to death in the Syrian province of Idlib, a disturbing new report has revealed. 

According to persecution watchdog International Concern, 60-year-
old Suzan Der Kirkour, a gardener and Arabic teacher, was found dead on July 9 outside her village, al-Yaqoubiyeh, which is located just north of the jihadist stronghold of Jisr Al-Shughour.

An autopsy report found that Suzan was tortured and raped over the span of nine hours before being stoned to death.
The incident was confirmed by humanitarian organization SOS Chrétien’s d’Orient, which wrote in a statement that “cruel was her ordeal. The reality is just as much… (a) virgin at sixty, she died under the repeated assaults of the jihadists of al-Nusra.”

The autopsy reveals that Suzan had been subjected to repeated rape since the afternoon of Monday (the 8th) until early Tuesday morning, only hours before her discovery." continued the statement."