Monday, July 22, 2019

Health Note: Transgender Hormone Treatments Lower IQ

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou in health,...
3 John 1:2

"Published in the Frontiers in Human Neuroscience medical journal in November 2017, the study observed the 11-year-old, who was born a boy, before and after hormone suppressors “to review the effects of puberty suppression on the brain white matter during adolescence.”

According to the results obtained through the cognitive evaluations, the patient presented a decrease in their overall intellectual performance after the onset of pubertal block, pointing to immaturity in her cognitive development,” scientists reported.

After 28 months of hormone suppression, scientists noted the patient’s brain white matter “remained unchanged… which may be related to reduced serum testosterone levels.”
In a subsequent discussion, researchers stated the subject’s global IQ (GIQ) “was further slightly reduced during the follow-up with [hormone disruptor] treatment.”