Friday, June 14, 2019

The Violative Beast

"How much of the world is to be embraced under the dominion of the beast and his image?
All the world.
What is our message?
"If any man worship the beast and his image."
That is our message to the world.

To how much of the world is that message due and applicable?
All the world.
Then what has that message to do but to do this very thing - to "have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them?" Will that message be a reproving message to everyone that is engaged in the work of the beast and his image? It will.

Thus the work of the beast and his image is
---violative of the principle of citizenship of the kingdom of God.
---violative of the principle of ambassadorship of Jesus Christ. 
--- violative of the principle that Jesus Christ laid down for his disciples as to seeking place and authority;
---violative of the principle of his that separates the government of God from the governments of this earth - that separates between light and darkness.
It is simply an attempt to blend light and darkness and is always and only darkness that will seek to blend the government of light with the governments of darkness."
A.T.Jones/Ephesians 5:11