Saturday, June 15, 2019

Creation Moment 6/16/2019 - Colossians vs. G.G. Simpson

"Writing in The Meaning of Evolution, George Gaylord Simpson says, "The search for an absolute ethic ... has been a failure."
He admits that absolutes are not possible in nature. He also claims that absolutes are not possible in Scripture. This is contradicted by the book of Colossians in which we are taught perfection in Christ.
The word "saints" in Col. 1:2, 1:4, 1:12 means they are perfect. The expression "truth of the Gospel" (1:5) verifies that perfection. In 1:22 we read that we can be holy and blameless and unreprovable through Christ.

Paul's purpose in preaching and teaching was to perfect the Colossians in Christ (1:28).
We are to be clothed with love, the bond of perfectness (3:14). Epaphras was concerned that the Colossians be perfect and complete in the will of God (4:12).
---The gnostics, with their graduated angel stages, could only hope for a future perfection.
---And evolutionists can produce nothing better."