Sunday, June 9, 2019

On the Streets of Babylon: "Dreams" of Demon Robots Grip some on the Streets

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,... 
Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seem to be some spreading the nonsense of  God given Dreams about "Demon Robots" on the Streets of Babylon ....

"On the 27th November 2018, I had a dream which I have summarized below and included my interpretation. ...

In the dream, I was outdoors with a group of people. There were a few buildings around, so we were partially indoors and partially outdoors. I was trying to warn these people, some of whom were Christians and others who weren’t.
I told them, “Soon, they will release robots to exterminate mankind! Or much of mankind”.
Someone asked, “How do you know this?”
I replied, “I saw it.”
Then someone asked, “Who told you?”
I answered, “The Lord told me. He showed me in a dream”.
I said to the group of people around me, “Many of them are already robots.”
Then I pointed to those who were walking away and said, “Some of them may be robots. They have transferred their minds into them.”
...... I told the people around me, 
They are going to release the robots to exterminate mankind and wipe out the population. They are like terminators.
 Guns, knives, swords, bombs will not work on them, but there is one thing that will work… The Lord!”
This is what happens when you fill
your head with the things of Hollywood

This is not something to be fearful of. We should not be ignorant of the enemy’s devices, but shed light on them. They already have these robots around. Not only are there demons walking around in the flesh disguised as men and women, as the Lord has shown me, but there are robots walking around in the flesh disguised as men and women as well. I have been shown in a previous dream that I shared on the 13th of September 2018....that a number of celebrities are robots already, confirming this dream I received.
In this dream, the Lord revealed the schemes of the enemy. Those who worship Satan have prepared a large number of robots to destroy mankind. I believe the fallen angels/demons have helped by giving this technology to their human servants, to be used against people."