Sunday, June 9, 2019

IN the NEWS - Christian Politicans Enmity for God

Below is an example of everything wrong in the Christian West today. It's one thing for a politician in a free society to defend the mans right to choose to be gay or march in a Gay Pride event....It's another thing, for someone like Obama who claims to be a Christian (United Church of Christ) to personally cheer them on.....ask yourself--would Paul, a writer of the New Testament that Obama claims to believe in, had sent out this tweet in Corinth back in his day? Would Lot have tweeted this out on his way out the door in Sodom?...Just asking....Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. Romans 8:7

"Former President Barack Obama tweeted a message of support to a Sikh man who shared a photograph of himself wearing a rainbow turban in honor of Pride Month.

On Tuesday, Obama told Jiwandeep Kohli that he had “a lot to be proud of”:

Obama also wished everybody a “Happy Pride Month.”