Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Similitudes of God: The Garment

I have multiplied visions,
and used similitudes.
Hosea 12:10

"This morning you awakened and you found yourselves unclothed, and you began to array yourselves in your garments.
Did not God, if you would but have heard him, speak to you by a similitude?
Did he not as much as say to thee,
what will it be when thy vain dreams shall have ended,
if thou shouldst wake up in eternity to find thyself naked?
Wherewithal shalt thou array thyself?
If in this life thou dost cast away the wedding garment,
the spotless righteousness of Jesus Christ,
what wilt thou do when the trump of the archangel shall awaken thee from thy clay cold couch in the grave,
when the heavens shall be blazing with lightnings,
and the solid pillars of the earth shall quake with the terror of God's thunder?
How wilt thou be able to dress thyself then?
Canst thou confront thy Maker without a covering for thy nakedness?
Adam dared not, and canst thou attempt it?"
Charles Spurgeon
  1. the quality or state of being similar to something.
    "Conrad uses a range of constructions which express or imply similitude"

    synonyms:resemblance, similarity, likeness, sameness, similar nature, comparability, correspondence, comparison, analogy, parallel, parallelism, equivalence; More

    • archaic
      a comparison between two things.