Wednesday, May 8, 2019

EDUCATION: Audio & Pull Quotes- Chapter 33



In the formation of character, no other influences count so much as the influence of the home.

The work of co-operation should begin with the father and mother themselves.... In the training of their children they have a joint responsibility.
Many parents, absorbed in work and care, lose sight of their opportunities to influence for good the lives of their children.
Even the little ones should be trained to share in the daily work and should be made to feel that their help is needed and is appreciated. The older ones should be their parents' assistants, entering into their plans and sharing their responsibilities and burdens.
Well might the words written of the idol builders of old be, with worthier aim, adopted as a motto by character builders of today: 
They helped everyone his neighbor; and everyone said to his brother, Be of good courage.
Isaiah 41:6