Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Papal Notes - Preparing the World to "Wonder"

"Pope Francis is expected to sign a new reform measure that will reorganize the various agencies of the Vatican, creating a new and powerful dicastery of “evangelization” that will take precedence
over the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which protects the integrity of Catholic doctrine concerning faith and morals, according to the Spanish news service Vida Nueva Digital.

The new document, a draft of which was reportedly approved this month by the pope’s “C9” Council of Cardinal Advisors, reportedly will merge two existing offices or “dicasteries” into a single dicastery devoted to Evangelization. The new dicastery will take precedence over the Congregation of the Doctrine of the faith, which currently occupies the second position in order of priority among the Vatican dicasteries after the Secretariat of State.

If the publication’s summary of the new plan is correct, it would appear to be aimed at carrying forth the vision of Pope Francis of a notion of “evangelization” favor of “accompanying” people who may not accept the Catholic faith, a view that is expressed in Amoris laetitia and other Francis documents." Lifesite

...........and all the world wondered after the beast.
Revelation 13:3