Wednesday, May 1, 2019

IN the NEWS - Spark of Life Seen?

Is this how the Spark of Life happens?...Interesting...
Did not he that made me in the womb make him? Job 31:15

"Scientists at Northwestern University in Chicago say they witnessed a burst of zinc fireworks at the moment when a human sperm joins an egg.

According to, scientists believe the flash of light signals the moment human life begins.
We discovered the zinc spark just five years ago in the mouse, and to see the zinc radiate out in a burst from each human egg was breathtaking,” said Dr. Teresa Woodruff, a professor at Northwestern. “It was remarkable.”
According to their research, the flash happens when the sperm enters the egg and triggers calcium that then releases zinc from the egg. To see the zinc, researchers added small molecule probes that lit under certain conditions.
In 2011, scientists found that the fertilization of an egg in a mouse triggers zinc sparks.

Both the mammalian egg and sperm must progress through multiple maturation or activation events in order to successfully fuse and form a healthy zygote. Using a combination of Confocal (ZincBY-1), electron (STEM-EDS) and X-ray Fluroscence Microscopy (XFM) the group demonstrated that the  GV oocyte accumulates approximately 20 billion zinc atoms during maturation. Following fertilization, however, the newly formed embryo rapidly loses approximately 12 billion zinc atoms. This rapid efflux of zinc is termed the ‘zinc spark’."