Saturday, April 27, 2019

Linguistic Look at Tubal-cain

Nothing to be dogmatic about...just an interesting thought to ponder...

"Genesis 4:22: "Zillah (wife of Lamech) bore Tubal-cain; he was the forger of all instruments of bronze and iron."
In many societies the child is son of the mother, not the father.
Thus Tubal-cain was also known as Barzillah. The word for iron in both Hebrew and Sumerian could be a link back to the son of Zillah.....there is the interesting fact that the last part of the name,
Tubal-cain, is the Hebrew word for smith. Another way of spelling Cain is Ken. Ken is a form of the Hebrew word for a copper spear, and the Kenites were a tribe of wandering smiths who made Implements of metal (Horizon, 2:2, November 1959, p. 9).
Thus we have linguistic paths leading back to Tubal-cain, the first metalsmith, .... The line of Cain and Tubal-cain ended at the Flood, but we can infer that Noah and his sons collected the technology of the Pre-Flood world, including metallurgy, and then taught it to their descendants in the Post-Flood age."