Saturday, April 27, 2019

IN the NEWS - Vatican Push for a SupraNational State

....and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;
Acts 17:6

"In its full-court press for globalism and international migration, the Vatican insists on describing nationalism in exclusively negative terms, opening its “Concept Note” for its May 1-3 conference by saying that the world “is facing today a growing threat of nationalist revival,” which “leads to mutual rejection and enduring conflicts.”

The Pontifical Academy has apparently decided ahead of its conference that nationalism will be treated as the enemy, rather than looking at both sides of the issue and the root causes of growing interest in national sovereignty.
Facile recourse to accusations of xenophobia and racism is always easier than honest debate.

We witness a worrying tendency of nations or nation states to close themselves, insisting on their supposed interests,” it states. “Globalization and migrations inspire the fear that nations could lose their cultural identity and their political independence.”

In the present stage of its development, humanity disposes of all possible technical means to organize itself in a cooperative and peaceful way,” the text declares, in thinly veiled code for a shift toward supranational governance. “Yet the minds are still shaped by stereotypes of exclusion of the ‘other.’”

Challenges like ecology, particularly climate change, human trafficking, energy, defence, regulation of the globalized economy cannot be dealt with by competing sovereign national states alone,” the document reads. “The European Union is an example of what could become a supranational state with precise and limited sovereignty in matters of European common good.”