Monday, March 25, 2019

Those 2 Messages from God

I have a message from God unto you.
Judges 3:20  

"CAN there be a person here present to whom God has never sent a message?
Possibly the question may startle you.
Is He your Creator?
And has He who made you launched you forth on the tempestuous sea of life to drift in solitude without compass or guide?
The truth of the matter, I think, is that you have been deaf to God's messages!
He has often desired to correspond with you, no, He has sent some communications to you, but you have resented and rejected them.

---The angel of Time might surely write with his finger upon the dust of your Bibles the sentence of your condemnation!

---Another dark messenger has come to you. Death has bereaved you of friends and comrades. Those with whom you were most familiar have been suddenly called away.
Ah, then, when the dust fell upon the coffin lid, and the words were uttered, "Dust to dust, ashes to ashes," each of those thundering morsels said, "I have a message from God for you!"
*Walk the cemetery and while every grave tells of our common mortality, how some graves speak to us of the precarious tenure by which our frail life is held!
In all, what a warning message we may hear!

Let the remembrance of them make you pause,
and think—and turn from your sins
 to the living and true God!"
Charles Spurgeon