Monday, March 25, 2019

The Friar from Ocana

Beware of false prophets,... Matthew 7:15

"Within the Franciscan .... In 1512, Friar Antonio de Pastrana,
custos of the Province of Castile, wrote to Ximenez de Cisneros about a fellow friar from Ocana who was "illuminated with the darkness of Satan."
This unfortunate religious had been commissioned, in what
--he thought was a revelation from God,
--to seek an unspotted virgin of holy character by whom he could engender a prophet
--who would save the world.
He wrote to Juana de la Cruz to enlist her cooperation in his mission, but that lady promptly turned his letter over to Antonio de Pastrana.
The latter hastened to Ocana, clapped the bewildered friar into jail, and wrote a full account of the affair to Cardinal Ximenez de Cisneros, promising not to release his errant colleague until he gave up "such contemplations procured by Lucifer."