Thursday, March 7, 2019

The Woe to the Soul is Coming

Woe unto their soul!
for they have rewarded evil unto themselves.
Isaiah 3:9
"The day of the Lord is not an uncertain object in the dim and distant future;
--but it is, to him who reads aright the page of prophecy and history, a vivid reality,
--even now throwing
   *the beams of its approaching glory
   *and the light of its consuming fires upon a slumbering world.
--It comes not without a numerous array of precursors and heralds; *--yet it will come to many suddenly and unexpectedly.
--With what real and unfeigned surprise will multitudes awake to their condition, as the terrible realities of this coming day burst upon them.
So different from what they expected! So contrary to all their plans! So fatal to all that they had hoped for or believed! What astonishment, what amazement, what terror, will seize them!
***At once they find themselves in the unrelaxing grasp of eternity, its irrevocable decisions upon them, and they among the lost!"
Uriah Smith