Tuesday, March 19, 2019

IN the NEWS - Enmity on Full Display

For the sinful nature is always hostile to God. It never did obey God’s laws, and it never will.
Romans 8:7 NLT

Here we have on FULL DISPLAY in the so-called "Democracies" of the so-called "Free West" Literal Totalitarianism. Cultural Marxism spinning out of control. And who is to Blame? We are for voting for Politicians who allow these laws to be placed on the books.....you've done it to yourselves in Britain and elsewhere....ENMITY against God is what is really on display via the Legal Systems.
Instead of stepping in to take the child from the mother for abuse (which is what the parent is doing - flying her child overseas to be mutilated) someone who doesn't agree with the parent is in Legal trouble.

"A Catholic journalist in England is being told by police that she might have committed a criminal offense because she "misgendered" someone and will soon be interrogated under caution.

The authorities contacted Caroline Farrow, who writes for the U.K.-based Catholic Herald, after a September appearance on “Good Morning Britain” where she debated Susie Green, who heads the transgender advocacy group Mermaids.
What prompted the police action, however, was that Farrow allegedly referred to Green’s child, who is now called "Jackie," a biological male who underwent a surgical procedure in Thailand several years ago to remove his genitals, with incorrect pronouns on Twitter.
"I do not know what I am supposed to have done but the police told me that 'you appeared on 'Good Morning Britain' with Susie Green and made some tweets misgendering her daughter,'" Farrow said in an interview with The Christian Post Tuesday."