Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Creation Moment 3/20/2019 - Evolution's Dagon

"The ancient Philistines were embarrassed when Dagon, their chief idol, fell on its face before the Ark of the Covenant, so they propped it back up again.

Maybe today’s evolutionary ecologists feel the same as they repeatedly try to fix the failings of their favorite evolution-based theories.
Evolutionists assume the inanimate environment itself was the causal “origin of species.” But real-world ecological research continues to impeach the Darwinian assumption that animals are passively shaped and redefined by nonliving geophysical forces.

Ecosystem engineering, a new analytical concept, illustrates how secularists are “always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” (2 Timothy 3:7). How so? This analysis does represent an increase in learning about nature, but it simultaneously represents a failure to reach the true target—genuine knowledge.
The Darwinists’ own words betray them as they misapply the term “engineer” in their quest to comprehend nature apart from truths revealed in the Bible. Studying God’s creation with a closed Bible is like trying to assemble a 5,000-piece jigsaw puzzle without looking at the “answer” on the puzzle box cover!

But ecosystem engineering analysis doesn’t go far enough in its observations and explanations because it ignores God’s big-picture purposes and designs as it credits bacteria and earthworms with engineer-like wisdom.
Thus, the term “ecosystem engineering” is misleading. It distractingly treats the habitat-changing animals as if they are intelligent engineers that inventively utilize mechanical solutions that impact geophysical environments. In short, the engineering genius involved in nature is God’s, not that of the animals He created."