Friday, February 22, 2019

Poor of the Flock

"We have direct experimental evidence of God’s ever-watchful care over His Church. He does not deal with His people only through instruments, but He Himself takes the Church in His own hands.

This is His own declaration, “I the Lord do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day.”
Thus does He speak of His vineyard.

He speaks in His wrath to the foolish shepherds, yet He mingles His threats with pity for those He elsewhere calls “the flock of slaughter.” He says,
--I will feed even you, O poor of the flock!
--I will seek that which was lost,
--and bring again that which was driven away,
--and will bind up that which was broken,
--and will strengthen that which was sick.”
Charles Spurgeon/Isaiah 27:3/Zechariah 11:7