Saturday, February 23, 2019

Creation Moment 2/23/2019 - Baal-Peor Lesson of Evolution Gallery

And they called the people unto the sacrifices of their gods: and the people did eat, and bowed down to their gods. Numbers 25:2

"An Israeli evolutionist is luring the public into a shrine to the Bearded Buddha.
 Nature this week gave Israel Hershkovitz a platform to advertise, “My hopes for Israel’s human-evolution gallery.” 
His gallery will be an indoctrination center to undermine faith in the God of Israel and replace it with faith in Darwin-Baal, the nature god.

We read about the incident at Baal-Peor in the Pentateuch (Numbers 25, summarized in Deuteronomy 4), and how God judged the people who had turned away from the true God after having been eyewitnesses of His glory repeatedly.
You can be sure that the advertisers of Baal-Peor were really slick. They just wanted to “help” the Israelites.
Look how fun it is to worship Baal, they said; you can have all the sex and wine you want, and call it worship. Can’t you imagine the Canaanite ‘scientists’ or intelligentsia of that day arguing for the truth of Baal over Yahweh? The tangible images of Baal must have seemed so much more naturalistic to the people than an invisible God. Here was a god you could hold in your hands, and he would let you do whatever you want!
Now it’s happening again in the same Holy Land, and the outcome will be predictable: judgment for all who turn away from the truth, and double judgment on those who put stumbling blocks in people’s way."