Thursday, January 10, 2019

The I,II,III of Isaiah 45:22

Look unto Me, and be ye saved, . . for I am God, and there is none else.
Isaiah 45:22

"His Word clearly points out the means whereby we may be saved. Notice :

I. The Blessing Offered: Salvation.
a. Salvation is deliverance from slavery or danger.
This salvation is a spiritual one, and may best be
illustrated by con­sidering the moral condition of man.
Man is naturally 'under—
b. The guilt of sin which, like a chain, binds the soul.
c. The dominion of sin which, like a taskmaster,
keeps him in drudgery.
d. He is also exposed to the wrath of God against sin.
2. The blessing offered in the text is an entire deliverance from all these evils. This salvation is:
a. Free—in its offers ; in its communi­cations.
b. Full—in the deliverance it effects in the blessings it imparts.
c. Present—in its realization.
II. The Means to be used in Order to Obtain
: "Look unto me."
a. The Object of regard—God.
God in Christ atoning for our sins. John 1 :29.
What is meant by looking to this Ob­ject?
 (Refer to the Israelites and the brazen serpent.)
It implies:
A sense of our need of salvation.
A desire to obtain it.
An exertion after it, by earnest prayer and strong faith.
The reception of this blessing is inevitably consequent
on our thus "looking."
III. The reason why we must look to this object: "I am God, and there is none else."
  1. Consider the greatness of the Being giving the command.
  2. There is no other means of being saved." Ministry 1943