Thursday, January 10, 2019

Creation Moment 1/11/2019 - Watery Conundrum points to Young Earth

And the earth was without form, and void;
and darkness was upon the face of the deep.
Genesis 1:2

"Secular science believes Earth’s oceans have existed for about four billion years. They also think the level of the ocean has remained about the same over that vast period of time.
However, a new study published in Nature creates serious problems for the uniformitarian origin of our oceans and their long-term sustainability.

Chen Cai and his colleagues from Washington University in St. Louis found that the global water flux into the mantle was three times greater than previously estimated.

Interestingly, they found that the water content in the rocks begins to change about 50 miles east of the trench, about the same distance that faulting and earthquake activity starts to occur in the ocean crust prior to subduction.

Chai and his team were also able to extend their knowledge of water volume deeper than previous studies, down to depths of 18-30 miles, about 15 miles below the base of the crust.
They concluded that at least 4.3 times more water is being subducted into the Mariana Trench than what was previously estimated.

Stepping back and taking a more global view, they further determined:
If other old, cold subducting slabs contain correspondingly thick layers of hydrous mantle, as suggested by the similarity of incoming plate faulting across old, cold subducting slabs, then estimates of the global water flux into the mantle at depths greater than 62 miles must be increased by a factor of about three compared to previous estimates.

In other words, there is a whole lot more water going back into the mantle than previously thought. And the volume being input into

the mantle is much greater than the smaller volume that is observed coming back out. This doesn’t bode well for the long-term stability of ocean levels or total volume.

Most secular scientists believe plate tectonics and subduction have been active on Earth for a few billion years at least. With more water constantly going into Earth, ocean levels should have dropped over these claimed vast amounts of geological time. The question is why not?

Douglas Weins, one of the co-authors of the study tried to explain this watery conundrum. “The estimates of water coming back out through the volcanic arc [island volcanoes] are probably very uncertain. This study will probably cause some re-evaluation.”

Our oceans still hold about 97% of the world’s total water because they are young." ICR