Friday, January 25, 2019

SDA Issues - Jackson's Brister Nonsense

Male and female created he them; Genesis "bristers" mentioned
"Such as a Seventh-day Adventist division president recently using the term bristers as a gender-neutral amalgamation of brothers & sisters.
Some of us will do that believing in Women’s
Ordination, some will do that not believing.  I’m appealing to all of us, let’s touch each other, let’s work into each other’s hearts.  We are brethren, or we are the bristers, you know?  You know what a  brister is?  That’s a combination of a brother and a sister.  We are the bristersDan Jackson, November 5, 2018.
We expect this gender confusion from a sin-sick world warring against God’s distinctions; we are dismayed to see it manifested in the Body of Christ—the Remnant."