Friday, January 25, 2019

Creation Moment 1/26/2019 - Regulation & Replication

A system that "regulate chromatin structure and replication timing," smacks of DESIGN, which would logically point to--DESIGNER
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous... Psalm 139:14 NLT

"A research team led by Florida State University scientists has demonstrated that there are specific points along the DNA molecule that control replication. The study appears in the journal Cell.

DNA and its associated material replicate at regular intervals, a process essential to all living organisms. This contributes to everything from how the body responds to disease to hair color.

It’s been quite a mystery. Replication seemed resilient to everything we tried to do to perturb it,” said study senior author Professor David Gilbert.

Gilbert and colleagues examined a single segment of the DNA in the highest possible 3D resolution and saw three sequences along the DNA molecule touching each other frequently.
They then used a gene editing technology called CRISPR to remove these three areas simultaneously.
And with that, they found that these three elements together were the key to DNA replication.
Removing these elements shifted the segment’s replication time from the very beginning to the very end of the process,” Gilbert said.

 The removal of the three elements caused the 3D structure of the DNA molecule to change dramatically.
We have for the first time pinpointed specific DNA sequences in the genome that regulate chromatin structure and replication timing,” said study first author Jiao Sima."