Saturday, December 15, 2018

Creation Moment 12/16/2018 - 3 Theories of the Evolution of the Genetic Code SERIES: Intro

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: Psalm 139:14

"The evolution of the genetic code and the ribosome are intimately connected as the code is expressed through ribosomal activity. Models of genetic code evolution are analyzed.

Today there are three major theories
on the origin of the genetic code:
--The error-minimization theory is faulty in that it supposes that highly error-prone genetic codes could produce more precise codes over time. The stereochemical theory posits complementarity between nucleotides and amino acids, but cannot demonstrate this for the whole code.
--The co-evolution theory states that the genetic code developed from an ancestral through an ancient to a modern state. There is no evidence for ancestral code protein generation. The big question remains why the code solidified in its present state.
--Finally, the accretion theory of ribosomal evolution is shown incapable of answering key questions.

Large and small subunit ribosome proteins are conserved within Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya but not between these domains.
*The size and weight of the subunit proteins are similar between Archaea and Bacteria only, whereas protein types are similar only between Archaea and Eukarya.
This implies that the ribosome of all three domains has been created uniquely.
The presence of many unique proteins and protein domains in the mitochondrial and chloroplast ribosomal proteins imply that they
are not related to prokaryotic ones.

It is a paradox of evolution that the composition of the prokaryotic ribosome is different to that of the eukaryotic one, yet the ribosome has supposedly evolved through a number of intermediary steps back into a ribosome. Evolution simply loses all meaning if a protein or set of proteins evolves into a structure, which fulfils the same purpose, which it started out from." CMI