Friday, December 14, 2018

Could this Comment by E.G.W. Describe any of us?

....turn ye,
turn ye from your evil ways;
for why will ye die,...
Ezekiel 33:11

"The warnings of God
*he first hated and
*then resisted
because they brought his own wicked course to be seen in the light of God's law.

It is one of the saddest evidences of the blinding influence of sin that months and years roll on and there is no awaking to repentance.

With a firm persistence he has pursued his downward course.
*He has no bitter feelings of remorse,
*no dread of heaven's vengeance.

--If by lies and deception he can cover his sins from observation he is content.
--All sense of right and wrong is dead within him.
--A harvest is before him that he will be horrified to reap."
Testimonies for the Church vol.5 E.G.W.