Tuesday, November 6, 2018

IN the NEWS - Back to New York

"A New York auxiliary bishop has been credibly accused of sexual abuse, the Archdiocese of New York has reported.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan announced in an Oct. 29 letter to parishioners of a Bronx parish that Bishop John Jenik, 74 had been accused of “an allegation of inappropriate behavior with one person was brought against Bishop Jenik....”....New York Times reported Wednesday that the alleged victim is Michael Meenan, 52, who said that he met Jenik in 1978, at Our Lady of Refuge parish. Meenan was then around 13 years old.
Meenan said Jenik, who was then a priest but not yet a bishop, developed a relationship with him that eventually led to more than 70 unsupervised overnight visits to an upstate NY home owned by Jenik. At that home, Meenan said, Jenik served him alcohol, and one at least one occassion touched him inappropriately while the pair shared a bed."
But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13