Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Craetion Moment 11/7/2018 - a Quality Control Surveillance

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: Psalm 139:14

"Twenty-first century technologies now allow today’s scientists to probe further into the molecular secrets of biology. Daniel Finley, professor of cell biology at Harvard Medical School, has focused on investigating the biochemistry of cells for more than 20 years.

In collaboration with Finley, the research team lead by Kota Yanagitan at the University of
Cambridge recently published their findings in the journal of Science (2017). The team discovered the enzyme known as UBE20 plays a pivotal role in the enucleation of red blood cells. EBE20 is one enzyme in a class of enzymes known as the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) – a class Finley was the first to identify more than two decades earlier in 1995.

According to ScienceDaily, the UPS enzyme system in now known as a quality control surveillance system “to remove unnecessary proteins and keep cells free of clutter.”
In the paper entitled “UBE20 is a quality control factor for orphan multiprotein complexes,” the opening sentence of the paper specifically claims evolution as the driving of this process –
Cells have evolved a wide range of quality control pathways.”
To ascribe evolution as the mechanism for the development of the red blood cell, however, Yanagitan must validate this theory of “evolved” with physical evidence using the scientific method. The purpose of the scientific method is to eliminate bias or any preconceived non-scientific based ideas or concepts through the strict use of inductive reasoning. The physical evidence must include observations, measurements, and testing – in the same way Isaac Newton validated his proposed laws of gravity.

Not surprisingly, the research team’s paper does not include any assessment of “evolved” – since “evolved” was simply the authors preconceived process for the origin of life and the universe. And, not surprisingly, evolution is the only theory protected by governmental laws and the courts.
Despite opening with “evolved” in the first sentence, the paper’s conclusion wisely excludes any evolution inference –
UBE2O is a self-contained quality control factor that… efficiently target[s]… complexes for degradation.”
In a companion report published in the same issue of Science entitled “UBE20 remodels the proteome during terminal erythroid differentiation,” Finley’s team issued their conclusion –
Thus, in reticulocytes [immature red blood cells], the induction of ubiquitinating factors [UBE20] may drive the transition from a complex to a simple proteome.”
Importantly, not one aspect of evolution was discussed in either paper."