Thursday, October 4, 2018

IN the NEWS - Red Hat Report

The very fact this is even because--the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13

"The Better Church Governance Group kicked off with an RSVP-only event Sunday evening on the campus of the Catholic University of America (CUA) in Washington, D.C. Crux reported on it as did other Catholic media outlets. 

The new organization's goal is to produce a "Red Hat Report," a dossier on all the cardinals of the world who could vote in a papal conclave, by the year 2020.

The group will incorporate the efforts of former FBI agents, Catholic journalists and others to investigate cardinals under the age of 80 — the cut-off point for participating in a papal conclave. The latest count puts the number of cardinal electors worldwide at 124......asked the audience during his presentation Sunday night, "What if we would have had someone else in 2013 who would have been more proactive in protecting the innocent and the young?"
This is referring to Pope Francis' poor track record on handling allegations of clerical sex abuse. In his native Argentina, then-Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio was accused of protecting pedophile priest Fr. Julio César Grassi."