Thursday, October 4, 2018

Creation Moment 10/4/2018 - Aquinas Opened the Door to Doubt via Harmonization

Can two walk together, except they be agreed?
Amos 3:3

"Thomas Aquinas, born in Italy, became a Dominican monk, studied in Paris, and spent the rest of his life teaching there and in Italy. ... there is a legend that as he knelt one day before an image of Christ on the cross, the image spoke to him saying, "Thomas,

thou has written well concerning me; what price wilt thou receive for thy labor?"

Aquinas was one of history's intellectual giants, .... But he was, after all, trying to reconcile the irreconcilable -- Aristotle's naturalism and biblical super-naturalism; his efforts for doing so occupy eighteen large volumes (Magill 1963).

The result was that Greek philosophy could only be harmonized with biblical theology at the expense of trimming the latter to fit the former.

For example, on the question of the origin and destiny of the universe, belief in Aristotle's unending eternity or in the biblically revealed finiteness demands faith for their acceptance in both cases, since there can be no proof for either view. Harmonization inevitably finished up being true to neither and left the door open for bias."