Wednesday, September 12, 2018

SDA Issues - Kinght of the Unhinged pt.2

For Knight of the Unhinged pt.1 see Link below

For it hath been declared unto me of you, my brethren,
by them which are of the house of Chloe,
that there are contentions among you.
1 Corinthians 1:11 
"In a recent column at Spectrum entitled “Adventism’s Shocking Fulfillment of Prophecy”, Knight asserts that the Beast John describes in Revelation 13 finds its fulfillment not in the papacy, but rather in the General Conference under the administration of Ted Wilson:
"For over 150 years the Seventh-day Adventist Church has faithfully preached the message of
Revelation 13 that near the end of time ‘all the world marveled and followed the beast,’ who had recovered from the deadly wound (13:3, NKJV). And at the heart of the Adventist concern was verse 7’s prophecy that the beast would ‘make war with the saints’ and ‘overcome them.’"
“What was not predicted by the Adventist evangelists was that the General Conference leadership would be joining the beast in its eschatological crusade, with the denomination’s president leading the charge."
So according to George Knight, Elder Wilson is the beast of Revelation 13 who makes war on the saints and overcomes them.  Is that deranged enough for you?
Why has Knight worked himself up into an apocalyptic lather?  Well, it turns out that the General Conference Administrative Committee (ADCOM) recently voted to create five committees tasked with making recommendations regarding compliance with church policies and doctrines.  Oh, the humanity!  The horror!  Pope Wilson II has revived the inquisition:
". . . I decided to look up the Catholic Dictionary’s definition of “inquisition.” I discovered that it was ‘the special court or tribunal appointed by the Catholic Church to discover and suppress heresy and to punish heretics.’ Once again, the current leader of Adventism [Elder Wilson] is right on track. But, I must say, it is a wonder to me that a person who loves The Great Controversy so much could take the path he is creating."
So Elder Wilson has reinstated the inquisition, presumably to be staffed by some new Torquemada to oversee the torture.  Is that deranged enough for you?"