Wednesday, September 12, 2018

IN the NEWS - Robertson Embarrasses Christianity... again

But there were false prophets also among the people,
even as there shall be false teachers among you,...
 2 Peter 2:1
Does anyone really think God is Listening to this man? Anything for Headlines.....

"Pat Robertson has incurred the wrath of the Twitterati after he told his followers that he could stop the approach of Hurricane Florence with the power of prayer.

Robertson broadcast the sermon on his Christian Broadcasting Network, based in Virginia, where a state of emergency has been declared ahead of the hurricane.
He explained, citing a passage from the bible, that, like Jesus, the
people could command the storm to veer off track. “Put your hand out toward the Atlantic right now, where ever it is,” he said, urging the congregation to join him in prayer.
“In Jesus’ holy name, be out to sea!” he called out, ending the prayer."