Saturday, September 1, 2018

Papal Notes - Muslims help Circle the Wagons

Muslims help Circle the Wagons to try and save Pope Francis....Interesting...

"As the clerical sexual abuse scandal story momentarily shifted to Australia, where bishops have accepted 98 percent of reform recommendations made by a Royal Commission but rejected a call to lift the seal of the confessional, for the most part the last 24 hours have seemed a fairly slow stretch on the “pope cover-up

Here’s a sampling of new developments....
The pontiff also drew a vote of confidence from outside the borders of the Catholic Church on Friday, August 31, 2018 with a joint statement from the Community of the Arab World in Italy...
Our position regarding the pope is very clear,” the statement read. “From the first day of his election, we’ve shared his positions, his initiatives and his declarations in favor of dialogue, peace, immigrants, and relations with the Arab and Muslim world,” it said.
Saying they want to support the pope against “his enemies inside and outside the Church,” the groups launched a Twitter hashtag: “#NessunoTocchiFrancesco,” meaning, “No one touches Francis.”
For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness:
Psalm 5:4