Saturday, September 1, 2018

IN the NEWS - $73 Wasted in China

There shall not be found among you any one that.... or function as mediums or psychics,...
Deuteronomy 18:10,11

"As analysts crunch trade data and political commentators dissect
official statements for signs of how the Sino-American trade war will develop, some ordinary Chinese are using different sources to predict U.S. President Donald Trump’s next moves: fortune tellers.

Armed with photos of Trump and his date of birth, the superstitious in China are turning to the divine - from masters on cosmic energy to experts on ancient spirits - for tips on what the president has got up his sleeve in the escalating trade spat between the world’s two largest economies.

In the western city of Xi’an, fortune teller Xie Xianglin says he has seen “many, many more” people approaching him for readings on the future of the trade war. Most are entrepreneurs and investors, said Xie, who charges 500 yuan ($73) to analyze the relevant spirits."