Friday, September 7, 2018

Internet aiding Luke 18:8?

...when the Son of man cometh,
shall he find faith on the earth?
LUKE 18:8

"Allen Downey, a computer scientist at Olin College of Engineering in Massachusetts, set out to understand the national uptick in those who claim no religious affiliation. These are the “nones,”
which the Pew Research Center considers the fastest-growing “religious” group in America.

In his paper “Religious affiliation, education and Internet use,” which published in March on arXiv – an electronic collection of scientific papers – Downey analyzed data from GSS and discovered a correlation between increased Internet use and religious disaffiliation.

Internet use among adults was essentially at zero in 1990; 20 years later, it jumped to 80%, he said. In that same two-decade period, we saw a 25 million-person spike in those who are religiously unaffiliated.

People who use the Internet a few hours a week, GSS numbers showed Downey, were less likely to have a religious affiliation by about 2%. Those online more than seven hours a week were even more likely – an additional 3% more likely – to disaffiliate, he said.

But he was able to control for other factors including education, religious upbringing, rural/urban environments and income, to find a link that allowed him to “conclude, tentatively, that Internet use causes disaffiliation,” he said." CNN

EXCELLENT RESPNSE by rwolfman3000:
Yeah, if you think about it we're not that far off from Genesis 2:17 because the Internet compartmentalizes minds as much as it does to broaden them and in the end–its the bad apples that end up spoiling things or everyone else: "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die."