Wednesday, September 26, 2018

IN the NEWS - On to Ann Arbor, Michigan

"Father Egan might be familiar to some for "Fully Alive," his daily feature on local EWTN affiliate Ave Maria Radio.
Originally from the archdiocese of Westminster in England, Fr. Egan has served as chaplain at the chapel connected to Domino's Farms — a large office park in Ann Arbor that includes the headquarters for Domino's Pizza.

 In addition to the Catholic chapel, it is also home to Ave Maria Radio and a Catholic bookstore.

Al Kresta, president and CEO of Ave Maria Radio, released a statement Wednesday about the allegations against Fr. Egan. Kresta's statement read in part:
Fr. Pat served for many years as our chaplain of Ave Maria Radio until his retirement earlier this year. I have always counted him a friend and he has been a good priest serving my family over the years in various ways.
Nevertheless, there stands a credible charge of inappropriate sexual behavior with an adult male and Fr. Egan's priestly faculties have been revoked. While I don't think it necessarily helps, at this time, to go into further details, I do think you deserve to know that I learned of this allegation earlier this month and, along with other laity, was part of the solution by encouraging full reporting to Bishop Boyea and urging complete transparency of all involved which is the only way we will rid our innocent priests of the cloud of suspicion they are presently operating under.
Ave Maria Radio's website featured a profile for Fr. Egan. At the time of this article's publication, Fr. Egan's profile remained on the site."

But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly.
Genesis 13:13