Saturday, August 11, 2018

On the Streets of Babylon: Epidemic hits Seminaries

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,...  Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4

There seems to be an "epidemic" infecting the seminaries on the Streets of Babylon....

"One of the Vatican's most influential cardinals, already suspected of looking the other way while gay relationships were conducted in his personal residence, has now admonished fifty seminarians for speaking out against their seminary's rampant homosexual subculture.  

Instead of praising the seminarians,” tweeted Ed Pentin, the National Catholic Register (NCR) who broke the story, Cardinal Óscar Rodríguez Maradiaga “accused them of being “gossipers” who wish to portray their fellow seminarians in a bad light.”
When their letter was read out to bishops, the cardinal “immediately started attacking the letter’s authors,” he added.
Maradiaga is the leader of Pope Francis’ Council of Nine cardinals and was entrusted with the Pope’s Vatican reforms.
The concerned seminarians said in their joint letter that they could not “hide any more the magnitude of this problem in the seminary,” according to NCR, which obtained a copy of the letter.  
We are living and experiencing a time of tension in our house because of gravely immoral situations, above all of an active homosexuality inside the seminary that has been a taboo all this time,” continued the young men’s letter, “and by covering up and penalizing this situation the problem has grown in strength, turning into, as one priest said not so long ago, an ‘epidemic in the seminary.’”
Their letter seeks systemic changes for the seminary, including demanding that the school’s formators follow magisterial teaching on homosexuality and that their seminarians who engage in gay romantic or sexual behavior be ousted.  
Not everyone who wants to can be a priest!” they said. “The ministry is a gift that should be lived and received from the conviction of the Gospel and radical and jealous love."
Part of the impetus for the letter to bishops was that a seminarian from the Honduran Diocese of Santa Rosa de Copán tried but failed to take his own life in April, after he had discovered his male lover in the seminary was in another relationship.
The Register has obtained a copy of the seminarian’s suicide note. “I am going to my Father’s house,” the handwritten letter reads. “I never believed that my friend, my brother, the one that I trusted everything and which I gave too many things,” would have “betrayed me that way.”
The Register also obtained graphic photographic evidence of homosexual pornography, exchanged on WhatsApp between seminarians who did not sign the letter, as well as other obscene messages. The exchanges have been verified as authentic by computer specialists at the Catholic University of Honduras who searched computer memory and handed the exchanges to the country’s bishops.”