Saturday, August 11, 2018

Creation Moment 8/12/2018 - The Rocks In Your Head

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:
Psalm 139:14

"The rocks in your head that give you a sense of balance are finely tuned to spiral in a certain way.

One of the difficulties for secular scientists is explaining how life ended up with one-handed (chiral) building blocks, like amino acids and sugars, when both are equally likely to form by the laws of
physics. That remains a major unsolved problem in origin-of-life studies, because proteins cannot work unless 100% one-handed.

Another case of chirality just turned up in the human body: inside the inner ear, little crystals of calcium carbonate will fail to work if one amino acid goes right-handed instead of left-handed.

In a press release from McGill University on “Chirality Switching in Biomineral Structures,” researchers found one reason why some people develop vertigo. We all have little rocks in vestibules (sacs) within our inner ears, called otoconia. Those crystals are not just chips off the old block; they are carefully constructed by “proteins that guide the biomineralization process.” When otoconia grow correctly, they spiral in a certain direction. The scientists found that a single wrong-handed amino acid can make them spiral the opposite way, leading to failure in the balance organ.

How about that; another fine-tuning example in biology, and a clever trick that scientists want to imitate! Your body is more wonderful than you can possibly imagine. It makes you dizzy just thinking about it. Be thankful today if you can bend over without losing your balance."