Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The Key to the Plan of Redemption

"God gave the promise that he would put enmity between Satan and
the seed of the woman.

This promise is the key that opens to the world the grand plan of redemption.

When Satan had succeeded in causing the fall of our first parents, he supposed that the whole of the human race would come under his control, that he and his sympathizers could induce men to join them in rebellion, as he had induced the angels to join him.

When Satan heard the word, "I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed," (Gen.3:15) he knew that man would be given power to resist his temptations. 
 The Son of God was to come to the world, to be tempted in our behalf, and in our behalf to overcome.

There is enmity between fallen human beings and Satan only as man places himself
--on God's side,
--and yields obedience to the law of Jehovah.
This brings to him power to withstand Satan's attacks.
It is through Christ's sacrifice that man is enabled to obey."
Review & Herald 1906 E.G.W.