Wednesday, July 18, 2018

On the Streets of Babylon: Shirtless Angels?

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,...  Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4
There seem to be some "wresting" Shirtless Angels on the STREETS of BABYLON.....
"Todd Bentley claimed during a "Supernatural Debt Forgiveness Jubilee Service" Sunday that he has had live encounters with angels during his ministry similar to those experienced by biblical figures, including a visit from a shirtless "financial angel" in a dingy hotel room and another in his home where the angel wrestled him in his bed.

"It (angel) appeared to me as a person. A man. So I'm not having a dream. It's not a trance. I'm wide awake. I'm in my bathroom. And I've never had an angelic encounter where it's like in this world. A messenger from Heaven," Bentley said.
Bentley said he encountered the "financial angel."
"I'm in my hotel and in my bathroom and it's the middle of the night. And I open my hotel room and turn the light on, and there's a man in there, in my bathroom. And I looked at this man, he didn't have his shirt on, so I thought he must've got into the wrong hotel room. First thought. You know 'you're in the wrong room bro.' ... And then realized he was wearing funny like, white yoga pants, like really tight, white ballet-type pants and like Aladdin golden slippers. And I looked down at him and thought 'wow, this isn't a man. This is an angel,'" Bentley recounted." CP