Sunday, July 1, 2018

IN the NEWS - Catholic "New Paradigm"... What could be Bubbling up?

"This week I received another a document that included extensive quotes from a 2015 speech given
by the Congregation’s Secretary, Jose Rodrigues Carballo, in which he darkly implied that traditional forms of Catholic religious life had “served their purpose” and must be allowed to die out so that something as yet undefined, but assuredly new and wonderful, could replace them.
Cardinal Cupich recently gave a talk in Cambridge in which he, like Cardinal Marx and other revisionist prelates and theologians, promotes a “New Paradigm” for understanding Catholic morality.

The “New Paradigm” that Cardinal Cupich presents is a rehash of discredited theories from the 1960s and 1970s held together by a false notion of conscience, allegedly supported by Vatican II’s Gaudium et Spes. This approach claims that actions contrary to the Gospel and to human dignity are sometimes morally permissible."
Q: What could be spilling over into the Mark of the Beast scenario as it relates to this subtle/not so subtle, "New Paradigm" debate under the surface of Catholicism?
Notice that "actions" sometimes contrary to the Gospel are permissible...LIKE PERSECUTION maybe?....Will this "New Paradigm" spill over with a Green tinge of mother earth worship in the name of the "common good"?...will it bubble up onto a "New Paradigm" onto the world stage?
 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.  2 Timothy 2:15