Sunday, July 1, 2018

Creation Moment 7/1/2018 - Paintbrush Genes

"When scientists hunted for the complex DNA behind the intricate wings of butterflies, they were in for a surprise.

Instead of the expected network of genes, they found only two. Called WntA and optix,
*one behaved like a crayon drawing the outlines of a picture
*while the other colored it in.

Previous studies suspected the pair’s artistic involvement and that optix was linked to red and orange. However, their exclusive influence only came to light when scientists started playing with these so-called “paintbrush genes.”

When WntA was disabled,
--order vanished.
--Lines dimmed,
--colors flowed into each other,
--and designs disappeared.

Turning off optix was even more interesting.
--Butterflies turned gray or black, even on body parts other than the wings.

An unexpected twist occurred in the case of the common buckeye butterfly. Spots of blue iridescence dotted the wings where previously there were none. Since iridescence is a structural change to wing scales, it showed that optix influences pigmentation at a physical level as well."
And God said, Let the earth bring forth the ...creeping thing,...
Genesis 1:24